Mita Banerjee (alias Nabanita Banerjee)

Hello! I’m Mita Banerjee, but you might also know me by my alias, Nabanita Banerjee. My life is a beautiful symphony of passion, creativity, and love.

Passion for Singing and Art

Singing and art are my soul’s language. Through melodies and strokes of colour, I express the depths of my heart. Whether it’s a soulful ballad or a vibrant canvas, I find solace in these creative outlets.

Cherishing People and Their Goodness

I’m an avid listener—a collector of stories and emotions. When I meet someone, I see beyond the surface. I appreciate their uniqueness, their kindness, and the good they bring into the world. It’s a gift to witness humanity’s beauty.

A Family of Friends

My family isn’t just a unit; we are a circle of friends. We laugh, share secrets, and celebrate life together. Words of encouragement and appreciation flow freely in our home. It’s how we uplift each other and create a haven of joy.

From Full-Time Mum to Lifelong Learner

For 17 years, I embraced the role of a full-time mum. But life whispered, “Grow.” So, I embarked on a journey of learning. Australian education courses became my compass, guiding me toward new horizons. Now, I collaborate with esteemed Australian organisations.

You Are Genius: A Dream Unfolds

Why “You Are Genius”? Because within our family, those uplifting words worked wonders. They shaped our children into beautiful souls. And so, I birthed my business - a sanctuary of positivity, motivation, and growth.

Evergreen Stories and Words That Heal

Remember those moral storybooks from childhood? They held secrets - the power of words. Today, our “You Are Genius” book series echoes those same transformative words. Simple yet profound, they touch hearts.

Health Transformations and Nourishing Meals

Our family’s health journey is remarkable. Explore our meal plans - they’re more than recipes; they are nourishment for body and soul.

Purpose and the Gift Within

We’re all God’s children, bestowed with unique talents. Our purpose? To share those gifts with the world. Words - oh, they have magic! They coax dreams into reality, ignite passions, and connect hearts.

Vintage Meets Modern: Our Merchandise

Visit our online store. You’ll find designs that radiate positivity, love, and inspiration. Each piece whispers, “You are a genius.”

Let the Journey Begin

Today, right now, let’s embark on this journey together. Stay happy, embrace your uniqueness, and remember - you are a genius.